d2 is known to work against these versions:
- Eclipse
- Java 5+
- Mysql 5
Download Eclipse
- Open the update manager dialog [Help > Software update > Find and Install]
- Select “Find new features to install”
- Select “Europa Discovery Site” and press finish
- Select “AspectJ Development Tools” under “Programming Languages”
- Press “Select required”
- Press Next
- Accept the license and press Next, then Next again, then Finish
- Press “Install all”
- Press OK when you’re asked to restart Eclipse
- For more recent eclipse installations, AspectJ web site has changed. You have to add the following update site: http://download.eclipse.org/tools/ajdt/35/update. For more recent informations see http://www.eclipse.org/ajdt/downloads/.
Open the update manager dialog
Select “Find new features to install”
Deselect all sites
Create a “New Remote site”
> Name: Decision Deck (d2) Updates
Press Finish
Select “Decision Deck (d2) Updates”
Click Next
Accept the license, click Next then Finish
Press “Install all”
Restart Eclipse
Download the Project Set File
Import the project list into Eclipse
File > Import > Team > Team Project Set
If you don’t check “Run import in background”, you won’t be able to use the platform until the import ends
When prompted, enter “anonymous” as user name and left the password blank
After all projects have been imported, configure the Package Explorer view to use Working sets as Top Level Elements in Package Explorer
- Open Run dialog
- Select OSGi Platform
- Click New
- In the plugins tab
- Deselect Platform
- Deselect Workspace/org.decisiondeck.eclipse.tools
- Press Add Required
- Press Run
- Decision Deck should run without any further issue
Run Ant script org.decisiondeck.dist/build.xml with the parameters:
eclipse.home target.version target.platform [linux-gtk|linux-motif|win32] export.source [true|false]d2 archive should be copied to org.decisiondeck.dist/dist/decisiondeck-$target.version-$target.platform.zip
If export.source is true, a qualifier is added to the archive name, f.i: decisiondeck-1.1-win32-src.zip
You need to have Maven2 installed
Open a shell console
cd to org.decisiondeck.doc
mvn site:siteMaven will download all the required libraries and transform the apt documents into valid html ones. You will find them in org.decisiondeck.doc/target/site