Provider: | UTAR |
Version: | 1.0 |
Name: | generalWeightedSum |
Display name: | generalWeightedSum |
-Contact: Boris Leistedt (
Computes the (possibly normalised) weighted sum of alternatives’ evaluations, their average value or simply their sum.
-ID: alternatives
-Name: alternatives
-Display name: alternatives
-Optional: False
A list of alternatives. Alternatives can be activated or desactivated via the <active> tag (true or false). By default (no <active> tag), alternatives are considered as active.
-ID: norm
-Name: norm
-Display name: normalized weights
Boolean for normalisation of the weights (true if the weights should be normalised).
-Tag: methodParameters
<methodParameters> <parameter> <value> <label> %1</label> </value> </parameter> </methodParameters>
-GUI status: preferGUI
-Type: boolean
-Display name: norm
-ID: avg
-Name: avg
-Display name: average operator
Boolean for the average operator. (true if you want to evaluate the average value of an alternative, for all criteria).
-Tag: methodParameters
<methodParameters> <parameter> <value> <label> %1</label> </value> </parameter> </methodParameters>
-GUI status: preferGUI
-Type: boolean
-Display name: avg
-ID: criteria
-Name: criteria
-Display name: criteria
-Optional: False
A list of criteria. Criteria can be activated or desactivated via the <active> tag (true or false). By default (no <active> tag), criteria are considered as active.
-Tag: criteria
<criteria> <criterion> <criterionID> %1 </criterionID> </criterion> </criteria>
-ID: performanceTable
-Name: performanceTable
-Display name: performanceTable
-Optional: False
A performance table. The evaluations should be numeric values, i.e. <real>, <integer> or <rational>. It must contains IDs of both criteria and alternatives described previously.
-Tag: performanceTable
<performanceTable> <alternativePerformances> <alternativeID>[...]</alternativeID> <performance> <criterionID>[...]</criterionID> <value> <real>[...]</real> </value> </performance> [...] </alternativePerformances> [...] </performanceTable>
-ID: criteriaWeights
-Name: weights
-Display name: weights
-Optional: True
Containing the optional weights for criteria sum.
-Tag: criteriaValues
<criteriaValues> <criterionValue> <criterionID>[...]</criterionID> <value> <real>[...]</real> </value> </criterionValue> [...] </criteriaValues>
-ID: alternativesValues
-Name: alternativesValues
-Display name: alternativesValues
Values (or utility) for different alternatives
-Tag: alternativesValues
<alternativesValues> <alternativeValue> <alternativeID>[...]</alternativeID> <value> <real>[...]</real> </value> </alternativeValue> </alternativesValues>
-ID: messages
-Name: message
-Display name: messages
-Tag: methodMessages
<methodMessages mcdaConcept="methodMessage"> <logMessage> <text> [...]</text> </logMessage> <errorMessage> <text> [...]</text> </errorMessage> </methodMessages>