capacityOrness Version: 1.0 Provider: kappalab
Description: Computes the orness degree of a Choquet integral from the underlying normalized Mobius transform of a capacity.
capacityShapley Version: 1.0 Provider: kappalab
Description: Computes the Shapley value (n indices) of the Mobius transform of a capacity.
capacityVariance Version: 1.0 Provider: kappalab
Description: Computes the normalized variance of the Mobius transform of a capacity.
capacityVeto Version: 1.0 Provider: kappalab
Description: Computes the veto indices of a Choquet integral from the underlying normalised Mobius transform of a capacity.
choquetIntegral Version: 1.0 Provider: kappalab
Description: Computes the Choquet integral from a normalised Mobius transform of a capacity.
COMET Version: 1.0 Provider: ZUT
Description: This web service allows to compute preference value of a given alternatives set based on COMET method (Characteristic Objects METhod) using provided matrix of expert judgement (MEJ).
computeAlternativesQualification Version: 1.0 Provider: RXMCDA
Description: Computes the strength, weakness and qualification of the alternatives. Requires a 0-1 valued outranking relation as input.
computeNormalisedPerformanceTable Version: 1.0 Provider: UTAR
Description: Transforms a performance table via value functions.
computeNumericPerformanceTable Version: 1.0 Provider: ITTB
Description: This web service generates a transformed numeric performance table. The performance table before transformation contains numeric values, booleans, labels or a mixture of these types.
CondorcetRobustnessRelation Version: 1.0 Provider: PyXMCDA
Description: This web service allows to compute the Condorcet robustness denotation associated to the concordance relation as defined in the Rubis methodology.