ElectreConcordanceWithInteractions Version: 0.2.0 Provider: PUT
Description: Computes concordance matrix taking into account interactions between criteria. Possible interactions are: 'strengthening', 'weakening' and 'antagonistic'.
ElectreCredibility Version: 0.2.0 Provider: PUT
Description: ElectreCredibility - computes credibility matrix using procedure which is common to the most methods from the Electre family.
ElectreCredibilityWithCounterVeto Version: 0.1.0 Provider: PUT
Description: ElectreCredibilityWithCounterVeto - computes credibility matrix using procedure which is common to the most methods from the Electre family.
ElectreCrispOutrankingAggregation Version: 0.2.0 Provider: PUT
Description: Computes outranking relation as an aggregation of concordance and discordance binary relations. The relation is true (1) for a pair of alternatives when there is a concordance (1) for A > B and no ...
ElectreDiscordance Version: 0.2.0 Provider: PUT
Description: ElectreDiscordance - computes partial (i.e. per-criterion) discordance matrix using procedure which is common to the most methods from the Electre family.
ElectreDiscordances-J Version: 0.5.5 Provider: J-MCDA
Description: Computes a discordance relation per criteria.
ElectreDistillation Version: 0.2.0 Provider: PUT
Description: This module performs distillation (upwards/downwards)
ElectreDistillationRank Version: 0.1.0 Provider: PUT
Description: This module provides three types of resultes performed on downwards and upwards distillation: intersection (outranking relation), final rank (distance to the best solution), median rank.
ElectreIIPreorder Version: 0.2.0 Provider: PUT
Description: This module constructs a complete pre-order using Electre II procedure based on the provided outranking matrix and (optionally) ranking (pre-order).
ElectreIsDiscordanceBinary Version: 0.1.0 Provider: PUT
Description: Computes discordance matrix as in Electre Is method. Resulting discordance indices are from range {0, 1}, hence "binary" in module's name.