LearnMRSortMeta Version: 1.0 Provider: oso
Description: The purpose of this webservice is to infer parameters of an ELECTRE TRI Bouyssou-Marchant model, also called MR-Sort model. It takes in input the categories and criteria of the model and examples ...
LearnMRSortMIP Version: 1.0 Provider: oso
Description: The purpose of this webservice is to infer parameters of an ELECTRE TRI Bouyssou-Marchant model. It takes as input a set of learning alternatives evaluated on the criteria and their affectations t ...
leastSquaresCapaIdent Version: 1.0 Provider: kappalab
Description: Identifies a Mobius capacity by means of an approach grounded on least squares optimization. More precisely, given a set of overall values for each alternative, and possibly additional linear cons ...
linProgCapaIdent Version: 1.0 Provider: kappalab
Description: Identifies a Mobius capacity by means of an approach using the linear programming approach proposed by Marichal and Roubens. Roughly speaking, this function determines, if it exists, the capacity ...
lsRankingCapaIdent Version: 1.0 Provider: kappalab
Description: Identifies a Mobius capacity by means of an approach called TOMASO in the particular ranking framework. More precisely, given a preorder on the alternatives, and possibly additional linear constra ...
mccClusters-ws Version: 1.0 Provider: ws-Mcc
Description: This web service computes clusters of alternatives based on the following clustering typology: non-relational, relational, ordered, {p+,p-}-exclusive relational and {p+,p-}-exclusive ordered multi ...
mccClustersRelationSummary-ws Version: 1.0 Provider: ws-Mcc
Description: This web service gives a summary of the preference relations between a set of clusters of alternatives.
mccEvaluateClusters-ws Version: 1.0 Provider: ws-Mcc
Description: This web service evaluates clusters of alternatives based on the following clustering typology: non-relational, relational, ordered, {p+,p-}-exclusive relational and {p+,p-}-exclusive ordered mult ...
mccPlotClusters-ws Version: 1.0 Provider: ws-Mcc
Description: This web service gives 4 different representations for a set of clusters of alternatives. There are two types of representations: detailed and summary. The first show all alternatives and the rela ...
mccPreferenceRelation-ws Version: 1.0 Provider: ws-Mcc
Description: This web service allows the generation of a preference relation between a set of alternatives from any outranking relation between them. For each pair of alternatives we can have the following pre ...