DEAvalueADDCrossEfficiency Version: 1.0 Provider: PUT
Description: Computes cross efficiency scores for the given DMUs (alternatives) using additive Data Envelopment Analysis Model.
DEAvalueADDEfficiency Version: 1.0 Provider: PUT
Description: Computes efficiency scores for the given DMUs (alternatives) using additive Data Envelopment Analysis Model.
DEAvalueADDEfficiencyBounds Version: 1.0 Provider: PUT
Description: Computes efficiency bounds for the given DMUs (alternatives) using additive Data Envelopment Analysis Model.
DEAvalueADDExtremeRanks Version: 1.0 Provider: PUT
Description: Determines ranking intervals for the given DMUs (alternatives) using additive Data Envelopment Analysis Model.
DEAvalueADDNormalizedPerformanceMatrix Version: 1.0 Provider: PUT
Description: Computes utility values for decision making units based on given functions for inputs and outputs.
DEAvalueADDPreferenceRelations Version: 1.0 Provider: PUT
Description: Determines necessary and possible dominance relations for the given DMUs (alternatives) using additive Data Envelopment Analysis Model.
DEAvalueADDSuperEfficiency Version: 1.0 Provider: PUT
Description: Computes super-efficiency scores for the given DMUs (alternatives) using additive Data Envelopment Analysis Model.
defuzzificationCOG Version: 1.0 Provider: URV
Description: Implementation of a defuzzification of set of fuzzy labels Java implementation of a defuzzification of set of fuzzy labels according to the COG method: Center of Gravity.
defuzzificationCOM Version: 1.0 Provider: URV
Description: Implementation of a defuzzification of set of fuzzy labels according to the COM method (Center of Maximum). The method consists in returning the point in the center of the interval where the membe ...
defuzzificationOrdinal Version: 1.0 Provider: URV
Description: Implementation of a defuzzification of set of fuzzy labels according to their position. The first label is assigned the position 0.0, the second the position 1.0, and so on. No interpretation base ...