capacityVeto Version: 1.0 Provider: kappalab
Description: Computes the veto indices of a Choquet integral from the underlying normalised Mobius transform of a capacity.
choquetIntegral Version: 1.0 Provider: kappalab
Description: Computes the Choquet integral from a normalised Mobius transform of a capacity.
computeAlternativesQualification Version: 1.0 Provider: RXMCDA
Description: Computes the strength, weakness and qualification of the alternatives. Requires a 0-1 valued outranking relation as input.
computeNormalisedPerformanceTable Version: 1.0 Provider: UTAR
Description: Transforms a performance table via value functions.
computeNumericPerformanceTable Version: 1.0 Provider: ITTB
Description: This web service generates a transformed numeric performance table. The performance table before transformation contains numeric values, booleans, labels or a mixture of these types.
CondorcetRobustnessRelation Version: 1.0 Provider: PyXMCDA
Description: This web service allows to compute the Condorcet robustness denotation associated to the concordance relation as defined in the Rubis methodology.
consistencyTest Version: 1.0 Provider: ITTB
Description: This web service aims at testing the consistency of the judgements provided by an individual or a group J. Let X be a finite set of alternatives that J wants to compare in terms of their relative ...
convertAlternativesRanksToAlternativesComparisons Version: 1.0 Provider: RXMCDA
Description: Converts ranks of alternatives into alternatives comparisons.
criteriaDescriptiveStatistics Version: 1.0 Provider: ITTB
Description: This web service provides statistics about the criteria. It computes for every criterion the average value of criteria's evaluations, the maximum value, the minimum value, the variance, the standa ...
csvToXMCDA-alternativesValues Version: 1.0 Provider: PyXMCDA
Description: Transforms a file containing alternatives values from a comma-separated values (CSV) file to two XMCDA compliant files, containing the corresponding alternatives ids and their alternativesValues.