ACUTA Version: 1.0 Provider: PyXMCDA
Description: Perform ACUTA computation on provided inputs.
additiveValueFunctionsIdentification Version: 1.1 Provider: RXMCDA
Description: Identifies an set of piecewise linear additive value functions according to a ranking of the alternatives. If the number of segments is not given, a general additive value function is looked for.
AHP_criteriaWeights Version: 1.1.0 Provider: PUT
Description: Computes criteria weights using AHP method.
AHP_priorities Version: 1.1.0 Provider: PUT
Description: Computes ranking for given alternatives and criteria using AHP method.
alternativesRankingViaQualificationDistillation Version: 1.1 Provider: ITTB
Description: This web service computes rankings on the alternatives by distillation of alternatives' qualification. Compared to the web service alternativesRankingViaQualificationDistillation, this web service ...
alternativesValuesKendall Version: 1.0 Provider: RXMCDA
Description: Calculates the correlation index between two rankings of alternatives (represented by lists of ranks).
applyCriteriaFunctionsToPerformanceTable Version: 1.0 Provider: PyXMCDA
Description: Apply criteria functions to input performance table.