thresholdsSensitivityAnalysis Version: 1.0.0 Provider: PyXMCDA
Description: This web service allows to compute intervals of stability on indifference and preference thresholds defined on a set of criteria. Under each interval, a threshold is free to move without impacting ...
TOPSIS_extremeAlternatives Version: 1.0.0 Provider: PUT
Description: Computes positive and negative ideal alternatives from given alternatives.
TOPSIS_normalizationAndWeighting Version: 1.0.0 Provider: PUT
Description: Computes normalized and weighted performance for each alternative.
TOPSIS_ranking Version: 1.0.0 Provider: PUT
Description: Computes ranking by distance ratio (nDist/(nDist+pDist) to ideal alternatives
transitiveReductionAlternativesComparisons Version: 1.0 Provider: ITTB
Description: This web service applies a transitive reduction on the relation relative to comparisons of the alternatives. It generates a file containing the alternativesComparisons tag after processing.
transitiveReductionCriteriaComparisons Version: 1.0 Provider: ITTB
Description: This web service applies a transitive reduction on the relation relative to comparisons of the criteria. It generates a file containing the criteriaComparisons tag after processing.