capacityEntropy Version: 1.0 Provider: kappalab
Description: Computes the normalized entropy of a capacity. The capacity is given either as its Mobius transform.
capacityFavor Version: 1.0 Provider: kappalab
Description: Computes the favor indices of a Choquet integral from the underlying normalised Mobius transform of a capacity.
capacityInteraction Version: 1.0 Provider: kappalab
Description: Computes the Shapley interaction index for pairs of elements with respect to the Mobius transform of a capacity.
capacityOrness Version: 1.0 Provider: kappalab
Description: Computes the orness degree of a Choquet integral from the underlying normalized Mobius transform of a capacity.
capacityShapley Version: 1.0 Provider: kappalab
Description: Computes the Shapley value (n indices) of the Mobius transform of a capacity.
capacityVariance Version: 1.0 Provider: kappalab
Description: Computes the normalized variance of the Mobius transform of a capacity.
capacityVeto Version: 1.0 Provider: kappalab
Description: Computes the veto indices of a Choquet integral from the underlying normalised Mobius transform of a capacity.
choquetIntegral Version: 1.0 Provider: kappalab
Description: Computes the Choquet integral from a normalised Mobius transform of a capacity.
leastSquaresCapaIdent Version: 1.0 Provider: kappalab
Description: Identifies a Mobius capacity by means of an approach grounded on least squares optimization. More precisely, given a set of overall values for each alternative, and possibly additional linear cons ...
linProgCapaIdent Version: 1.0 Provider: kappalab
Description: Identifies a Mobius capacity by means of an approach using the linear programming approach proposed by Marichal and Roubens. Roughly speaking, this function determines, if it exists, the capacity ...