plotCriteriaValues Version: 1.0 Provider: RXMCDA
Description: Generates a barplot representing a numeric quantity for each criterion, like, e.g., an importance value.
plotCriteriaValues Version: 1.3 Provider: PyXMCDA
Description: Generate plots from provided criteriaValues as well as the scripts generating these plots.
plotCriteriaValues Version: 2.0 Provider: ITTB
Description: This web service generates a barplot or a pie plot representing a numeric quantity for each criterion, like, e.g., an importance value. Compared to the web service plotCriteriaValues, some paramet ...
plotCriteriaValuesPreorder Version: 2.0 Provider: ITTB
Description: This web service generates a graph representing a preorder on the criteria, according to numerical values taken by the criteria (the "best" criteria has the highest value). Colors can be used and ...
plotCriteriaValuesPreorder Version: 1.0 Provider: RXMCDA
Description: Generates a graph representing a preorder on the criteria, according to numerical values taken by the criteria.
plotCriteriaValuesPreorder Version: 1.1 Provider: PyXMCDA
Description: Generate directed graph from provided criteriaValues as well as the dot script generating the graph.
plotFuzzyCategoriesValues Version: 2.0 Provider: ITTB
Description: This web service allows to plot fuzzy sets. There are some options to take into account: title, X-axis label, Y-axis label and the use of colors.
plotFuzzyCriteriaScales Version: 1.3 Provider: PyXMCDA
Description: Generate plots from provided fuzzy scales as well as the scripts generating these plots.
plotGaiaPlane Version: 1.0 Provider: RXMCDA
Description: Generates the Gaia Plane from decomposed Promethee flows (a.k.a Promethee profiles).
plotNumericPerformanceTable Version: 1.4 Provider: PyXMCDA
Description: Generate plots from provided performance tables as well as the scripts generating these plots.