RORUTA-PostFactum-PreferenceRelatedImprovementOrMissingValue Version: 1.0 Provider: PUT
Description: Depending on the need, for a given not satisified preference relation between two alternatives: "a is preferred to b", the module finds one of the two possible types of values. These are the minim ...
RORUTA-PostFactum-PreferenceRelatedImprovementOrMissingValueHierarchical Version: 1.0 Provider: PUT
Description: Depending on the need, for a given not satisfied preference relation between two alternatives: "a is preferred to b", the module finds one of the two possible types of values. These are the minima ...
RORUTA-PostFactum-RankRelatedDeteriorationOrSurplusValue Version: 1.0 Provider: PUT
Description: For a given ranking position n and the alternative a that already attains at least n-th position in ranking, depending on the need, the module find a one of the two possible types of values. These ...
RORUTA-PostFactum-RankRelatedDeteriorationOrSurplusValueHierarchical Version: 1.0 Provider: PUT
Description: For a given ranking position n and the alternative a that already attains at least n-th position in ranking, depending on the need, the module find a one of the two possible types of values. These ...
RORUTA-PostFactum-RankRelatedImprovementOrMissingValue Version: 1.0 Provider: PUT
Description: For a given ranking position n and the alternative a which is worse than n-th, depending on the need, the module finds one of the two possible types of values. These are the minimal improvement of ...
RORUTA-PostFactum-RankRelatedImprovementOrMissingValueHierarchical Version: 1.0 Provider: PUT
Description: For a given ranking position n and the alternative a which is worse than n-th, depending on the need, the module finds one of the two possible types of values. These are the minimal improvement of ...
RORUTA-PreferentialReductsForNecessaryRelations Version: 1.0 Provider: PUT
Description: Finds all preferential reducts for the necessary relations. In other words, for each necessary weak preference relation, it find all minimal sets of pairwise comparisons that imply this relation.
RORUTA-PreferentialReductsForNecessaryRelationsHierarchical Version: 1.0 Provider: PUT
Description: The module finds all preferential reducts for the necessary relations. In other words, for each necessary weak preference relation, it finds all minimal sets of pairwise comparisons that imply thi ...
RORUTA-RankAcceptabilityIndices Version: 1.0 Provider: PUT
Description: Finds rank acceptability indices matrix for the given problem.
RORUTA-RankAcceptabilityIndicesHierarchical Version: 1.0 Provider: PUT
Description: The module finds rank acceptability indices matrix for a given problem. it supports a hierarchical decomposition of the problem.