RORUTA-RankRelatedPreferentialReducts Version: 1.0 Provider: PUT
Description: Finds all rank related preferential reducts. In other words, for each alternative, it finds all minimal sets of pairwise comparisons that has an impact on its range of possible ranking positions.
RORUTA-RankRelatedPreferentialReductsHierarchical Version: 1.0 Provider: PUT
Description: Finds all rank related preferential reducts. In other words, for each alternative, it finds all minimal sets of pairwise comparisons that has an impact on its range of possible ranking positions. ...
RORUTA-RepresentativeValueFunction Version: 1.0 Provider: PUT
Description: The procedure finds a representative value function for a given set of necessary relations.
RORUTA-RepresentativeValueFunctionHierarchical Version: 1.0 Provider: PUT
Description: The procedure finds a representative value function for a given set of necessary relations. It supports the hierarchical decomposition of the problem.
RORUTADIS-ExtremeClassCardinalities Version: 0.1 Provider: PUT
Description: Robust Ordinal Regression for value-based sorting: RORUTADIS-ExtremeClassCardinalities calculates minimal and maximal possible cardinality of each category (class). It is possible to provide an ad ...
RORUTADIS-GroupAssignments Version: 0.1 Provider: PUT
Description: This service allows for merging different assignments, e.g. from various decision makers (group result, group assignment). Service developed by Krzysztof Ciomek (Poznan University of Technology, u ...
RORUTADIS-NecessaryAssignment-basedPreferenceRelation Version: 0.1 Provider: PUT
Description: Compares necessary assignments of alternatives using Robust Ordinal Regression for value-based sorting. It is possible to provide an additional optional preference information: example alternative ...
RORUTADIS-PossibleAndNecessaryAssignments Version: 0.1 Provider: PUT
Description: Calculates possible and necessary assignments of alternatives to classes (categories) using Robust Ordinal Regression for value-based sorting. It is possible to provide an additional optional pref ...
RORUTADIS-PostFactum-InvestigatePerformanceDeterioration Version: 0.3 Provider: PUT
Description: Robust Ordinal Regression for value-based sorting: RORUTADIS-PostFactum-InvestigatePerformanceDeterioration service checks how much an alternative evaluations can be deteriorated so that that alte ...
RORUTADIS-PostFactum-InvestigatePerformanceImprovement Version: 0.3 Provider: PUT
Description: Robust Ordinal Regression for value-based sorting: RORUTADIS-PostFactum-InvestigatePerformanceImprovement service calculates minimal value (rho) by which alternative evaluations on selected criter ...